Een citaat uit Mercy Oceans 2

Terwijl ik bezig ben met het digitaliseren van de drie delen van Mercy Oceans, daterend uit de 80-er jaren, word ik weer enorm geïnspireerd door de woorden van mijn leermeester. Ik wil daarom dit citaat alvast delen met de lezer:

“Islam is perfect. Only imperfect people can say that it is imperfect, but Allah Almighty Himself bears witness that Islam is perfect and that it is the only acceptable faith in His Divine Presence[1];whoever comes to Him in Islam, he is acceptable, not anyone else. And from beginning up to end, all the prophets brought Islam, but we give some other names to it, covering reality. Adam was Muslim, surrendering to the commands of his Lord, Allah Almighty. Moses, Jesus Christ and all the prophets, 124,000 of them, whether their names are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an or not – all of them were Muslims[2].

That means that they surrendered to their Lordbut not only for His commands, because Muslims are of two kinds. One kind surrenders to the commands of Allah Almighty; as He commands, they try to keep those commands, those orders. But the highest degree in Islam is to surrender to the Lord’s will, also. That is perfection – if you are able to say, “O my Lord, as you like, as You will, as you wish. As You will; I am not fighting.”

So many people may pray, may worship, but when their Lord’s will comes upon them, they make trouble, not surrendering. Look at the ocean. Until a person surrenders, it takes that person under deep; when he surrenders, then it takes him out, floating. A dead body does not go very deep, but until that struggle finishes it is under the water; then when it is dead, the ocean carries that body.

Therefore, Islam is perfect from all directions. You can look at it from any direction and you must see perfection in Islam. And when you surrender to your Lord, Almighty Allah, you will reach true peace and happiness and satisfaction, here and Hereafter. Then the angels will carry you on their heads. No troubles or sufferings for that person – finished: he has surrendered, never struggling, never fighting his Lord’s will. For this reason a grandsheikh, ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani, was saying, “Allah Almighty’s will runs. If a person goes against that will, wanting to stop it, that makes his tauhid[3] vanish, because only His will prevails.”

Don’t stand against the will of you Lord Almighty; rather you must be suitable to run with that will. Yes, Allah Almighty gives honor to His servants by giving them a will, but out of your good manners you must say, “O my Lord, You gave me will, and all wills are in Your Hands. And I surrender to You, I give my will, also, to You. I am going to be as you like, O my Lord. Don’t leave me in the hands of my will.”

[1] See, for example, III:19, 85, and V:4 (V:3 in Pickthall’s translation)

[2] See II:128, 132–133, 136; III:52, 67, 84; V:114 (111 in Pickthall); VII:126; X:84; XII:78, among others

[3] The Divine Unity, which embraces the Oneness of God Almighty and of everything, in existence, and also the oneness of the command or decree, covering everything in existence, which proceeds only from the one holy Will”

(citaat uit Mercy Oceans 2, ‘Toward The Divine Presence’

N.B. Het feit dat ik een gedeelte heb vet gedrukt is voor mijn rekening. Aldus is dat niet gedaan in het origineel. Ik deed dat om juist dat stuk tekst te benadrukken. Het woord Islam heeft ten onrechte een geheel andere betekenis gekregen dan het ooit bedoeld is in de tijd van de profeten en wordt nu gezien als een ‘aparte godsdienst’, terwijl alle profeten kwamen met dezelfde boodschap en er maar één God is.

Degenen die nu de Islam in een slecht daglicht brengen zijn degenen die het minst weten van Islam. Velen van deze mensen die een zogenaamde ‘Jihad’ zeggen te voeren hebben zelfs de Koran nooit gelezen en zijn onwetend over het geloof dat ze zeggen te belijden.

De ware Jihad is de strijd tegen je eigen ego (nafs). En Islam is het ondergeschikt maken van jouw wil tegenover de Wil van de Almachtige, Allah (God) de Genadevolle. Pas als je erin slaagt te winnen van de wil van je ego en dankbaar zal zijn voor alles wat Allah/God op je pad brengt,zal je innerlijke vrede bereiken in dit leven en het leven hierna.

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