
Bericht van sheikh Hisham al Kabbani, de schoonzoon van Sheikh Nazim:
“As-salam ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh,
Inna alladheena amanoo wa `amilu ‘s-salihaati kaanat lahum jannaatu ‘l-firdawsi nuzulan, khalideena feeha laa yabghawna `anhaa hiwalla
Dear lovers, followers, mureeds, disciples of Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil,
As Prophet said in an authentic hadith, “idhkuroo mahaasin mawtaakum. Mention the good tidings of your deceased” so we wanted to share with you all the karama [e.g. miracles] Mawlana Shaykh Nazim showed us after his passing:
1 When the doctors assembled to decide on removing the mechanical respiration machine, the decision was not left in their hands. Rather Allah swt showed His love to His sincere wali by gently taking his soul before the doctors could attempt to assert their will. There was no medical explanation for why Mawlana Shaykh’s heart would stop and his soul would leave his physical body, before the breathing tube was removed. This was an unprecedented event, never before seen by either doctor during their long medical careers.  In this way, Allah´s Will was shown to reign above that of modern medicine – Allah (swt) taking Mawlana to His Divine Presence and the Presence of the Prophet (s) when He willed.
2- In Cyprus the last time it rained in May was 42 years ago and similarly in the Middle East.  Yet the day of Mawlana’s passing, there was powerful thunder and flashes of lightning that woke people from their sleep. It rained heavily, nonstop, for two days. The ocean, after 2 or 3 days of big waves, became suddenly calm.
Even in Mecca and Madina, rain was falling at the time that coincided with Mawlana’s soul leaving his body. Later that afternoon, everyone realized that even the sky was weeping for the loss of the world’s great saint. It is a mercy [rahmah] from Allah that these rains were falling to show how much love Allah has for His saint.   
3- Despite numerous flights scheduled to land in Cyprus from all over the world each day, all the flights were overbooked and there were no seats available due to the great demand of Mawlana Shaykh´s students coming from around the world to pay their respects.
4- Many people witnessed an amazing incident during the burial of Mawlana Shaykh in his masjid in Lefke.  Men had dug a very large grave approximately 4 meters [12 feet] in length.  Four people stood in the grave to place Mawlana Shaykh´s holy body inside.  As they carried his beloved body down into the grave it was weightless, as if carrying a feather. When they laid his holy body down, miraculously his body had become long enough to fill the grave from one end to the other! His head was touching one end and his feet touching the other, which measured over 4 meters. This was to show all of those present that Mawlana was inheriting from the prophetic tradition of being a stature and size exceeding normal human beings.  Never has anyone seen during a burial that a body would stretch so his grave is almost insufficient. Perhaps if we were to expand his grave to 10 meters Mawlana´s body might stretch to fill it. That was a tremendous indication that he truly was the inheritor of Prophet Muhammad (s).
5- Mawlana Shaykh Nazim had earned the love and respect of so many world leaders, royal families, and great personalities that his home and masjid were filled with esteemed dignitaries. Many newspapers and television stations around the world covered Mawlana Shaykh´s burial live and spoke about his great life of promoting religious pluralism and respect, condemning terrorism and extremism, and extending his hands to the members of every faith. He even had the chance to embrace Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of his visit to Cyprus in 2010. This is an important sign that Allah honored him both in dunya and in akhira.
During his life, Mawlana Shaykh appeared many times on TV around the world. From his childhood Mawlana Shaykh´s way was to encourage open communication and friendly relations with everyone, even those who differ in opinion. He always sought cooperation with others to benefit humanity and to create a more peaceful world. Before he left this temporal world, he planted in the hearts of his followers and in the hearts of countless human beings that love and compassion for which he was so famous so they could carry his legacy forward.
Mawlana Shaykh established countless centers, in nearly every nation of the world, in which they teach mindfulness, chanting therapy and other educational programs that promote peace, love and happiness. He rejected all forms of extremism and radicalism, and embodied the Prophet’s (s) teaching that “we [i.e. Muslims] are a moderate Nation”.
Today is Dhikr day, the first Thursday after the burial. Please take this opportunity to share these incidents and other memories you have of our beloved Shaykh with others, especially with those who may not have had the pleasure of knowing him.
It is also important to remember when you are making dua and when making Dhikr, make sure to connect your heart to those whom you love – Allah swt, His Prophet (s), His Awliya. Don’t listen to gossip or people causing confusion, but keep your focus on the beloved ones and remember them.
On behalf of Sufilive, the Islamic Supreme Council of America, and our many affiliated organizations around the world, we encourage everyone to follow in Mawlana´s footsteps, and implement his teachings of love, peace, acceptance and brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani”

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